UNcomplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers, and Givers
UNcomplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers, and Givers
Welcome to Season 3! Things are Changing in 2025
New year, new SEASON. Things are changing on the podcast here in 2025. Let me tell you all about what's coming (because it's going to be AMAZING... and useful!) and about The Offer Game we're playing this month!
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Check out Selling for Weirdos here: https://torpeycoaching.thinkific.com/courses/sellingforweirdos
Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. First of all, to 2025, I'm so happy to be back in the new year and talking to you. This episode today is a little bit of a it's an in between, as I have been thinking of it. What I want to tell you about today is a change that is coming to this podcast, as well as something we're doing in the Facebook group next week. But I want to talk to you a little bit about we're shifting from one thing to another here.
So one of the things that I work with clients, a ton in my business, as a coach on in their businesses is trust. So much of the work we do in coaching around mindset and the work we do as business owners to share what we do and leverage our value and charge money for the things we're great at, comes down in the end to trusting ourselves, trusting our work, trusting our expertise. And this is the theme that runs through my coaching day in and day out with people, is helping them learn to trust themselves as people and as business owners, as experts, as teachers, as communicators, as parents, as friends, as family members, right? Trust is at the core. And so as I was asking myself recently, you know what I'd like for this podcast in 2025 what I realized is I'd like to frame it a little differently.
So what we are going to do, starting in February and for the rest of 2025 is we are going to do what I am thinking of as the trust experiment. This podcast is going to shift gears, I think, into season three, and we are going to spend the year talking about trusting yourself, particularly as a business owner, but trusting yourself in general. It is going to include, you know, we're going to talk a little bit at the start about how and why and like, what that actually means, and what the point of this is, like when we're talking about trust, what does that mean? I'm going to offer you and share some really, because trust sounds like a very squishy thing.
We're going to try to make it very practical and tangible in terms of questions you can ask yourself, tools you can use, ways you can show up, things you can actually do that help you lean into trusting yourself. As a business owner, I'm going to invite on some of my coach friends to talk about trust and how they help people with trust. I'm going to invite on some clients to talk about, you know, what trust looks like for them and what they've learned. And you know, we'll see where else it takes us. So the plan will be to really focus on this trust experiment and let that be the theme for the year, and to allow it to have the space it needs to be something we all really get to work on.
This is one of those things that, as a business owner, is the most important work I've done, because learning to trust myself and really trust my how my brain works and when it works, and what it says, And what I'm doing and the things I offer and my people has taken so much of the complexity and the confusion and the difficulty out of running a business for me, and I see the same with clients, it simplifies so much that you're going to be like, absolutely floored by what comes out of it, because It really is more simple than we realize when we lean into trust. So that is going to be what happens, starting in the next month. In the meantime, though, there is one thing I don't want you to miss out, and that is the offer game, starting on January 15, which is tomorrow.
We are playing the offer game in my Facebook group. This is something we played last summer in 2024 but if it's new to you, the offer game is a series of sort of little gamified versions of how to make an offer, how to talk to your audience about what you have to offer them, and how they get it, whether it's on Facebook or LinkedIn or video or email or directly to the person in front of you at networking, whatever it happens to be, it is all about helping to make making more offers more efficient and effective. You're going to get little tools and strategies for making them faster in less time, in ways you don't normally about things. You don't normally about things you know you want to but haven't Right. In multiple places you're going to push yourself to, you know, reach more people and be more visible. And when we make more offers and we're more visible, we get more. Business. So the offer game, at its core, is really about making more sales. And what better way to start January?
This is something we're playing this month by popular demand. I heard from a whole bunch of people in December and between then in the summer, that this was something they wanted to play again in the new year. And so this is me answering that all you have to do to come play with us is make sure you're in the Facebook group. It is the same name as this podcast. It's called uncomplicating business for teachers, helpers and givers, and starting on the 15th, at 8am every day, there will be a task, and all you have to do to participate is participate, and you'll read the instructions and do what it says, And then it'll tell you what to do. There are points accrued and bonus points accrued, and there are also prizes, because what better thing than prizes?
But really the biggest prize of all is growing your business and being more comfortable talking about what you do. And if that is what you get from the offer game, then it is doing exactly what it was supposed to do. So So from there, friends, happy 2025 I am thrilled to be back with you.
I am really looking forward to talking about trust in this new season of the podcast. And as you roll through January, you know the core question I'm thinking about right now is, Who am I becoming this year? I hope that you are stepping towards and into exactly who you want to become, and if you haven't answered that question yet for yourself, recently, now is the time looking forward to seeing you all soon, and I'll see you at the start of February.