UNcomplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers, and Givers

How to Market Your Business: the SIMPLEST Framework

Sara Torpey Season 2 Episode 47
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00:00 | 18:48

You could spend what feels like a billion dollars figuring out exactly HOW to market your own business. There are a million books, podcasts, episodes, articles, experts, freebies, not-so-freebies and things you can do, try, change, test - it all can feel SO complicated. Except... maybe it doesn't have to. 'How do I markety my business effectively so people find me, buy from me, and work with me?' is one of THE most common reasons people come to coaching with me. Today I'm going to share my very, very simple marketing framework that I use with every single client. Want to simplify your marketing AND have it actually work? Listen on.

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