UNcomplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers, and Givers

Why You Should Have at Least TWO Words for 2022

December 21, 2021 Sara Torpey Season 1 Episode 53
UNcomplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers, and Givers
Why You Should Have at Least TWO Words for 2022
Show Notes Transcript

Do you usually pick a word of the year? 

If you do (or even if you don't) I'd like to propose something different for the new year to come. 

Instead of just one word, I'd like to propose that you pick at least 2, and maybe 3 -5...like a grab bag of goodness. 

There are more than a few compelling reasons for picking MORE than one word for this coming year - on this episode of the podcast I'm going to lay them out and maybe, just maybe we'll start a new trend together! 

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Welcome, welcome. Welcome to the last episode of teachers in business for 2021. This is episode 53. And today we are going to talk about the the, I want to say like trend, but it's the wrong word that is choosing a word of the year. I would like to propose that we all try this a little differently this year. And I'm going to give you all the reasons. I have a whole list of them here on my paper. And I think that I'm going to try to make the case for you here. That one word of the year maybe isn't enough. And there are a lot of reasons for that. But you know, we'll talk about it in a sec. So before I dive in there, I just want to share with you two things that clients said to me this week that made my heart really happy. I'm actually posted this in my group, the day I'm recording this. My Facebook group is called teachers in business just like this podcast, if you're not in there, come join us one client this week, who has had a really big growth year in her business, she she just realized she's replacing her corporate salary, which is fab, because last year, she didn't even approach it. But one of the things she said to me this week earlier, as she's getting ready to legitimately take the last two weeks of the calendar year just entirely off like they're traveling, they're going to do fun things with her kids and her family, like she's not going to work. What she said to me was, I've never felt so relaxed and calm going into the holidays. Like that's a thing. She didn't feel this relaxed or calm going into the holidays when she had a corporate job. Or when she had a job where she was working with educators, she feels more calm and relaxed as a business owner than she did as someone who didn't hold the keys to the kingdom. So it is as someone who owns a business as someone who teaches, like, can you imagine a holiday season where you feel calm and relaxed and like you can go on break for lunch, just be free and be done. And nothing will go wrong? Like what a lovely, what a lovely thing to hear out of a client's mouth. Like truly, I was like, Oh, it makes me so happy. The second thing is after my I did a planning workshop this past week in my group called plan 2022. If you're not in there, all of the lives are still pinned to the top of the group, you can go get that in the worksheets if you're working on planning for the new year. But one of my clients afterwards sent me an email. And what she said to me was, and I want to make sure I get it just right. I had it up. And then I didn't. What she said to me in the email at the very end was thank you for always allowing me to be myself with you. And it's like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. For me, this is so much of the point of coaching. Like she is someone who doesn't feel like the world entirely sees her. But I do and I get to, and she gets to see herself in her business in what is possible. Through my eyes. Just like I have seen myself in my business and what is possible through the eyes of the people that believe in me most I get to do that for her, I get to do that for all of my clients. And that is a magical gift to be able to give someone eye it's an amazing thing for her to know that she is truly seen and believed in because she is what it just like it makes my heart happy to hear those things from people. So happy. Also, this past week in charting business success, which is my small group program, we asked a question that I think is one to ask ourselves over the next couple of weeks. And it's how do you know when you're stuck. And one of the things we're working on as a group right now is knowing what to do when we're stuck, how to identify it and how to just notice that we're stuck in why and move forward. The goal of that is for the people in the group, and you know, they're already well on their way to simply always have a process for when they feel stuck to be able to go like Oh wait, I feel really stuck. How can I get through this? Like am I waiting? Am I afraid? Am I uncomfortable? Am I on shore? Do I need help? Like what is the hierarchy of questions you ask yourself and then to just know what to do next. Like that's that's what we're working on right now is never ever being stuck again. And it's not as hard as you think it is. So that's another fun thing that the next round of charting, business success is launching in February. So keep your eyes out for that. If it sounds like something you want to do, like if you never want to be stuck again, how nice would that be? So, today we are talking about word of the year, I have been someone that has picked a word some years and not others. I just had a client the other day be tell me about her word of the year. And I was like, Alright, cool, cool, cool. What do I want to pick this year, and I sat down, and I really thought about this, you know, I know people land on all sides of this, like word of the year kind of thing. And we tend to in December and January, really talk about it, and then like, dies, 1000 deaths, because we can't hold on to this thought very long. So I would like to make the case today for picking two or more words of the year. I know it's like heresy, like complete and utter heresy because, well, here's the thing. I know, part of the whole scheme behind word of the year is this thing. It's like this one idea you're gonna focus on all year to keep yourself in line. So you pick a word, and it's like, how you revolve your focus and your vision around this one thing. The problem with this, I think, is that twofold. First, is that basically what we're telling ourselves as if we focus on more than one word at a time, we're unfocused. And that is nuts. Honestly, you're a human with a really smart brain, you can focus on two or even three words, and still be okay. Like having multiple words of the year, quote, unquote, actually, is more freeing than anything. It's not that you, you know, it's implied that if you pick more than one, you're kind of doing it wrong, that you like, aren't truly focusing on the one thing that matters most. And you probably know at least a little about me, like, I'm a one goal girl. Like, I'm a true believer in having one goal at a time. But in this case, I'm not for I'm not just for one word, because I think our brains can handle more than one sort of feel at a time. And we have to like that's the nature of business, right? The so more than one word does not equal unfocus. That's the first point. The second point is that I really find and I have found this with clients, I've found it with friends, I've found it for myself, I find that one word becomes very constraining, very fast. It's like, basically, I made this tiny little box that has one word on the cover, and I put myself in it. And now I have to sit here for 12 months. Oh, you know, it doesn't allow, often for all of the kinds of growth and all of the change that we're going to make in the coming year. It just doesn't, it doesn't allow us the latitude that I think we all deserve and want in need. And that's why I think more than one word really serves us because it's not making you know, a giant Amazon box with like a house in it. But it is making a bigger box, that would give us some wiggle room because we are going to constrain ourselves. But we don't need to constrain ourselves to the tiniest of tiny Chrome's we can give ourselves a couple of ideas to latch on to, and sort of work between as we need. So I think that having more than one word more than one feeling that we are really trying to channel all the time is kind of freeing, right? It's less constraining. The second, the second, that's the second reason. The third reason I think, in as follows naturally from the second reason is that having more than two words, more than one word allows us to shift focus. So in a good way, here's an example. So like, I think two years ago, my my word was quite possibly focus. And what happened was I got really, really tired of it. I got really bored with focusing on the idea of focus pretty quickly, my brain gets bored, your brain gets bored, we get bored. So having this just one thing that I was trying to hold in my brain all the time, just my brain eventually was like, Oh, I hate this word so much. And so the idea that you have one or more than one you have more than one at a time means that when the first word gets, like tedious and annoying, you can go, Okay, let me think about this other word for a while, let me think about this aspect of what I want to feel. Let me think about this aspect of what I want to do. And when that one starts to be tedious, you can go back to the old one, you can move your focus between your two or three or five words, honestly, take a grab bag, I don't care. And allow your brain to feel creative. More often, because as you know, I was talking to a friend earlier this week on Monday about journaling. And she was like, You know what, sometimes I feel like, there's only I've answered the same question all 10,000 ways, and I'm just tired of it. I just don't want to answer it again. And when your brain is in that, like, I just don't want to think about focus anymore. Like, I don't want to think about this, I don't want to look at this word. I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to hear about it, I'm done with it, then you have sort of this natural alternative to say to your brain like oh, like, Okay, well, if I don't want to talk about focus, I'm going to talk about this other thing, I'm going to think about this other thing, I'm going to interweave this other thing into my business, you know that that really also serves my business really well, then, you know, it's a lovely thing to mix and match that way. And you let your brain have a new outlet that you've already really intentionally chosen. Because otherwise, when your brain gets creative and frustrated, you're going to be like, oh, I want to go do something entirely new, fire screw focused, I'm over it, I'm going to go do something completely in left field. When you've intentionally sat and given yourself a couple of words earlier, you're like, Okay, well, now that my brain is bored, I can go do this other thing. That's fine. I was ready for this. It's like planning ahead for what you know what's going to happen. This is the this is why, like, we talked about word of the year until like, the second week in February, and then we're like, oh, no more, well, then you can shift to your second word, how re here is the other thing. Reason number four is that having multiple words acknowledges that you and your business are multi dimensional, like you are not a flat one dimensional anything. Your business is not a flat one dimensional anything. Having two or three or even five words sort of lets you have facets, right? If you think about dye, like a number Q, you can think about, you know, having a different word on every face of that dye, Oh, how fun would that be, like get a little kid dye, I have a million of them my house, if you want one, just let me know, get a die and put a word on each one, you could like roll the die every day to get your focus. Like that would be super fun, fun creative things here on the podcast today, oh my god, I'm gonna have to do a video on that. But it lets you have all your dimensions. It lets you engage all the facets of your business, it lets you connect with more than one version of you, right now, as you grow into this new year, because as you grow, it's not you know, in math, we talk about sorry, it's gonna get mathy here for a second one dimensional things like a, a line is one dimensional. It just has length. So like you as a business, you're just not stretching in one direction, you're stretching in two or three or five directions. You're not just a line, you're a two dimensional plane, you're a three dimensional shape. You're a four dimensional figure that includes time, like you're all the things. So choosing one word is like just assuming that your business is moving in one dimension. And that's meant I like that. So what I would also propose here is that you choose words that may or may not go together nicely, like I have to right now. There may be a third I have a third in mind, I have to decide if I really want to hold on to it all year. But right now my two words are ease and impact. And I think on the surface they feel a little conflicting, like this idea of growing my impact but also growing the amount of ease at first glance feels very, like they can't happen at same time, like, how can I grow my impact, but also make things easier? Like that's, like if you're growing impact, things have to get harder, right? We'll know, actually, but I imagine and I know actually, I do more than imagine, I know that in a lot of cases, my brain is like, yep, you can't have both, you can increase your impact, but you cannot increase your ease. And if you want things to be easier, you have to be good with that growing the amount of people you reach, like, Man, I don't think that has to be like that. But you know, I've really had to come to terms with things like that, that feel like a paradox, that feel like puzzle pieces that can't possibly match together. So I would propose that you consider a puzzle pieces that maybe don't feel like they fit together all that nicely. Like, what if you chose pieces, that you really had to think about how they are complementary and not conflicting? Because really, you know, ease and impact, don't conflict, more money in more service, don't conflict, growth, and rest, don't conflict. You know, there are a lot of ideas where it's like, we can only have one or the other. Our brains offer us that, like it's an order kind of situation when actually and works a lot better. So I wonder which things you think you can only have one or the other? And what if you chose to believe in the new year, you could have both, it would be a really interesting thing, right? So that is really the the entirety of this. Try to words, maybe three, maybe five this year, try words that don't feel constraining. They give you latitude and dimension and facets and ways to sparkle. Right? That's what they have in diamonds, more facets, more sparkle. That's kind of amazing. Give yourself a way to shift your brain and your focus when your brain is like, My word is I'm tired of my word. And then remember that it is okay for you to think of one more than one feeling at a time. Like there's nothing wrong, you are certainly capable of doing that. I believe in you. If you want to share your words, please do. I would love to hear what combinations you come up with. You can send them to me on email, you can come on into the Facebook group and drop them in there. We would love to share it here them because we are always like the workshop this past week was just a reminder of how much good we all do for each other when we share. Right? Everybody's like, oh, wait that idea. And that idea and that idea. And I'm going to try that and thank you for this. Like so supportive. So curious, so engaged, so much fun. So when you have your words, share them, share them with your friends, share them with my circle, share them with the circle we share together, share them on Facebook, share them on LinkedIn, put them into play, let's see what people think. If you want to reach out, please do you can send me an email at sara@torpeycoaching.com, or you can find me on all the places. And if what you look at for the new year is that part of what you need to make the end of 2022 different from the end of 2021 Is someone in your corner to cheer you on is ease and impact growing both same time like my client who is more than ready for the end of the hall for the end of the year. And who is more relaxed than ever headed into the holidays. Let's talk about coaching together. Coaching is the fastest way to make this happen. It is the most effective tool out there. And it is not wrong for you to get this kind of support. It is in fact the best thing you can do for yourself in the new year. Please reach out book a time through my website. Send me a message we'll talk about it together. And with that, have a lovely holiday. Have a Happy Happy New Year and I will see you here in 2022